“Sex is natural, sex is good, not everybody does it, but everybody should.” ~ George Michael, I Want Your Sex.
Sex is worth it … or is it worth the wait? What is sex anymore but an empty act to satisfy a selfish need? As kids, you’re urged to wait until you get married, or at the least wait for someone special, but no one waits. Why? Well, apparently, the caliber of the sex that you have is one point that is detrimental to the success of a relationship. So, if the sex sucks, so will your relationship — eventually — and that leads to “selective” infidelity. But if you truly are in love with someone, it should never suck because there will be chemistry and feelings and emotions to “back that act up.” Right? Not entirely.
Premarital sex has become a trend. It’s cool to have sex, a lot of it, all kinds of it and then justify it as test-driving the goods for long-term potential. Because everyone knows that lasting relationships are built on explosive sex. Who cares if you have common interests or anything to talk about besides the newest position advertised in Cosmo magazine? Who wants to have a conversation or spend time together outside the bedroom, when you have apparently, uncontrollable needs that have to be satisfied? Who is actually buying into that garbage? More than you know.
When you have books, television and movies that pretty much glorify every kind of sex there is, it’s hard not to think that perhaps, this is what the world is coming to, so if you can’t beat them, join them. No pun intended. It’s true, this is what the world is now, but they are only telling a story, not saying it’s okay to go out and spread your love around until you find your Mr. Big or, for men, that one girl worth giving up all others for. But if you separate your feelings from the act … then it’s like it doesn’t really count. Right?
The reality is that sex has become just an act that doesn’t mean anything real to anyone unless there is some kind of deeper feeling other than lust attached to it. Sure it’s fun, adds another activity to your social calendar and you can get tons of experience points to share when you finally do find someone worth more time than just a joy-ride. But is it worth the disappointment when you find that the only reason anyone was interested in you is because you “put out?” What about your self-esteem when you realize that being so free with your “goods” has led to the idea that you don’t respect yourself enough to be selective? Which brings to mind a quote: if you don’t respect yourself, no one else will. That’s a fact.
You could say this is encouraging those who are looking for more than just a few one night stands to wait before having sex, and in turn ruining it for everyone just out for instant gratification. It would even be noble to say, “wait until marriage”, but let’s not get carried away. This is 2010 and the sexual revolution has returned, if it ever even went away. As independent women and men, we have learned that sex can give us a certain amount of power and a good five minutes of pleasure we could have possibly given ourselves.
If you are one of those who sees sex as an extension of the hook you’re casting into the dating pool, be advised that sometimes you will reel in disappointment and long term side-effects like babies, AIDS and herpes. By the way, AIDS will kill you and, along with herpes, will permanently stunt your future sexual endeavors. Use of appropriate prophylactics can help, but are not always effective. Condoms break and the pill only has a 98 point something percent success rate depending on whether all pills are taken as directed or strategically (or accidentally) missed. So many ifs …
Kids, if you made it this far, don’t have sex until you are married. Everyone else who has already broken the seal: remember that it may not seem cool to wait for sex until it comes complete with all the bells and whistles of something more than a fling, but it sure beats being able to point out everyone you’ve been with when you walk into a bar. So, yeah, sex is worth the wait.
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